Study Leads to Action

Countering antisemitism—or bringing about any positive change in society—must be rooted in learning. By allowing study to lead to action, you can act without bias and maximize your positive impact.

The following articles are about specific areas and incidents of antisemitism.

There are many more issues you can investigate.

Bring Foundations of Resistance to your local school

To combat the appalling resurgence of antisemitism in the United States and the world, the Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation (JPEF) has produced Foundations of Resistance: A Curriculum to Counter Antisemitism for Grades 6-12.

Produced with the California Teacher's Collaborative on Holocaust and Genocide Education, Foundations teaches students why they should and how they can resist antisemitism, both systemically and in their own lives.

Whether you're a parent, a student, an educator, or a concerned citizen, you can help bring Foundations of Resistance to your local school.

group studying
group of students

Steps you can take today

Arrange a meeting with your local school principal, a school teacher, or member of your school board
Introduce them to the Foundations of Resistance curriculum
Offer them the latest research to illustrate the effectiveness of Holocaust education in countering antisemitism
Inform them Foundations aligns with common core objectives for classroom education in all 50 states
Tell them JPEF offers free online training to help teachers integrate Foundations into their classes (contact:
Highlight the curriculum’s adaptability for multiple grade levels (6-12) and that each lesson can be completed in one class period
Gather support from teachers, parents, and community members to create a unified voice advocating for the curriculum

Email people you know who want to fight antisemitism

Send an email introducing Foundations of Resistance to family, friends, or anyone that might be interested in countering antisemitism in their local school community.

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