How To Use Foundations of Resistance

Teacher-friendly and easy to use

There are four lessons to choose from: one for grades 6-12 and three for grades 10-12

Lessons can be completed in one classroom period (50 minutes)

three girls studying

Selecting a Lesson

Each Foundations lesson can be completed in one 50-minute classroom period/block. Lessons can be utilized across numerous school subject areas, including: Social Studies, History, English, Ethics, Writing, Holocaust Studies, and others.

For Grades 6-8

Understanding the Partisans is the ideal lesson for grades 6-8. The other three Foundations of Resistance lessons require greater maturity and are not intended for these grades.

For Grade 9

Knowing Antisemitism and Understanding the Partisans are both ideal lessons for grade 9. They may be presented as standalone lessons or as a two-lesson unit of study. JPEF recommends conducting Knowing Antisemitism first, followed by Understanding the Partisans.

For Grades 10-12

All four lessons can be used in this grade range. Teachers can use them individually as standalone lessons or combine two, three, or all four for a short unit of study. If selecting multiple lessons, any combination of two, three, or four lessons work together, though we suggest teaching them in the following order: Choosing Leadership, Knowing Antisemitism, Understanding the Partisans, Building Resistance.

Selecting By Subject
If selecting a lesson that delves into the history of the Jewish partisans, we suggest either Choosing Leadership or Understanding the Partisans.
If selecting a lesson about the accessibility of leadership, leadership styles, and setting values-based goals, we suggest Choosing Leadership.
If selecting a single lesson that provides an overview of the subject of antisemitism and how to dismantle antisemitic conspiracy theories, we suggest Knowing Antisemitism.
If selecting a lesson that focuses on empathy and cultivating empathetic behavior, we suggest Understanding the Partisans.
If selecting a single lesson to teach about positive social action and how to resist antisemitism and hate, we suggest Building Resistance.

Again, if selecting multiple lessons, any combination of two, three, or four lessons work together, though we suggest teaching them in the following order: Choosing Leadership, Knowing Antisemitism, Understanding the Partisans, Building Resistance.

student studying on laptop

Teacher's Guides

Foundations of Resistance has been designed for teachers. Each Foundations lesson comes with a comprehensive Teacher's Guide—complete with lesson plan, setup instructions, evaluation rubrics, lesson videos, and other helpful educational resources and materials.

Login or register to access Foundations Teacher's Guides. Registration is free.

Summary of each lesson and list of measurable objectives
Step-by-step procedure for conducting each lesson
Background information on the history of the Jewish partisans
Videos and online links needed for each lesson
Resources, links, additional information and California Common Core Standards
Evaluation instructions and assessment rubric for each lesson
Room setup and device requirements
Printable Teacher's Guides for the whole curriculum
Portrait of Jewish partisan, Sara Ginaite, taken during the liberation of Vilna. Photographer: Yasha Riumkin 1944
Portrait of Jewish partisan, Sara Ginaite, taken during the liberation of Vilna. Photographer: Yasha Riumkin 1944

Choosing Leadership

For Grades 10-12

Students discuss leadership as a set of activities in which anyone can participate, develop their own leadership identity, and are introduced to leadership opportunities that align with their own stated ideals and interests.

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Children in the Lodz Ghetto prior to deportation. Photographer: Henryk Ross Source: Art Gallery of Ontario
Children in the Lodz Ghetto prior to deportation. Photographer: Henryk Ross Source: Art Gallery of Ontario

Knowing Antisemitism

For Grades 9-12

Resisting antisemitism begins with identifying antisemitism. Explore the history of antisemitism and age-old antisemitic tropes. Examine the impact antisemitism has on society and empower yourself by learning to recognize and call out antisemitic conspiracy theories.

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Jewish partisan Frank Blaichman. 1945
Jewish partisan Frank Blaichman. 1945

Understanding the Partisans

For Grades 6-12

Meet the Jewish partisans of World War II. Transform your understanding of the Jewish experience during the Holocaust and discover the paramount importance of empathy in a healthy society. Explore ways to cultivate your own empathy and increase your empathetic behavior.

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Photograph taken by Rachel, wife of Rabbi Akiva Posner, of their Hanukkah menorah against the backdrop of Nazi flags in Kiel, Germany. 1931
Photograph taken by Rachel, wife of Rabbi Akiva Posner, of their Hanukkah menorah against the backdrop of Nazi flags in Kiel, Germany. 1931

Building Resistance

For Grades 10-12

Discover why antisemitism is an indicator of the health of a democracy. Examine the impact antisemitism has on your life, your community, and your country. Learn how to resist antisemitism in an array of situations. Understand why study is the prerequisite to social action and learn how to address systemic antisemitism.

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Learning Requirements

Foundations lessons are not intended as an introduction to the subject of the Holocaust. Students require prior learning about the Holocaust in order to contextualize the history of the Jewish partisans and the magnitude of their circumstances.

For meaningful use of Foundations, students should, at minimum, understand the Holocaust was the genocide of European Jews during World War II, in which Nazi Germany and its collaborators systematically murdered six-million Jews.

Each Foundations lesson futures a webquest that requires students to have online access. Using Foundations requires in-class use of either a tablet, laptop, or desktop computer. Smart phones are not recommended for webquests.

students studying in class with teacher at board

Foundations of Resistance aligns with California Department of Education's Common Core State Standards.

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